Kate H-N
Why did author, Kate H.N., pen these tales?
“After a lifetime of experience working with children and families, my mantra soon became “Every Child’s Mind matters!” Kate continues to explain, “I wanted to write something that was an easily accessible tool facilitating behavioural changeand to offer something to children to help them solve the difficulties making them unhappy; my mission is to help them understand that it’s ok to reach out for help – and, when necessary, to keep reaching out until they feel listened to. I want children to find ways of stopping being ‘eaten up’ by worry and unhappiness which can damage every aspect of their childhood and creep into adulthood if unchecked.”
“In Blockley Bank, the reader/ listener can relax and watch the tales play out at a distance which therefore creates a safe emotional barrier for them. It’s non-intrusive, so no threat to them.” Kate continues, “Each character defines a different, yet not uncommon, problem; Eric the Oracle does a great job in his gentle way of getting straight to the point of the real issue and offers uncomplicated problem solving skills to help create the understanding and confidence needed to tackle their unhappiness. Any child in the ‘two-legged being’ world can soon adopt these skills and learn to thrive in happiness, resilience and positive mental wellbeing. Besides, we know that research has proven that happy children learn more effectively and have higher achievement levels, so what’s not to love about meeting Eric the Oracle?”