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These books – what are they and who are they for?
Children aged 7-11 years in schools or family settings.
Innovative tales aim to teach children how to tackle unhappiness and anxiety, raise awareness of the world around them, and take action their ‘inner voice’ tells them they feel uncomfortable.
Eric the Oracle’s wisdom uses the metaphor of woodland and river life in Blockley Bank to share information and offer clear personal development life skills that support learning how to be mindful, make healthy decisions, build resilience, self-esteem and confidence. Readable in one go - or in sections to facilitate plenty of discussion - they would appeal to a nationwide and international audience including age groups either side of the 7-11s.
Who is Eric the Oracle?
Eric the Oracle is ‘Head Life Coach’ in the magical community of Blockley Bank. He’s a very old, kind and philosophical frog; a snazzy dresser, totally unfazed by his disfigured skin, he chats with the unhappy characters and quickly identifies the root of the problems causing their stress.
Sitting back in his deckchair, he takes a long slurp of his magical dandelion fizzmix thinking potion before offering his wisdom embedded in deep understanding, practical advice and emotional support. Eric’s wisdom is legendary; he’s a beacon of supportive, responsible friendship creating a catalyst for behavioural change and facilitating positive mental health when the characters need it most.
The Book Series

Self Acceptance
Meet Cedric, who’s a sad, lonely squirrel with thin, patchy fur and no friends. He’s called cruel names and believes he’s no good just because others tell him so. Eric advises on how to be happy in your own fur, skin or scales.

Loss & Seperation
Grief stricken Tawny Olivante and family have been rehoused into a sycamore tree after the death of their oak tree home. Eric advises on the pattern of difficult feelings experienced when lives change, for whatever the reason, and explains the grieving process.

Positive Thinking
Maisie Mallard is convinced she’ll fail her exams and won’t get into the Mallard Academy with all her friends. Eric the Oracle advises how to deal with her worries by changing her negativity into positive statements to bring her happiness.

A willow warbler flying above Blockley Bank observes a handsome fox quietly squash some berries into Hamish the hedgehog’s back leg. The warbler tells Eric the Oracle who advises how to stop bullying by speaking out or helping others to speak out.

More Haste, Less Speed
Mr Buzz disturbs the peace by buzzing himself into the river. Rescued by two trout, they carry him to dry out and have a chat with Eric the Oracle, who advises that slowing down to breathe and think clearly gets more done effectively.

No To Strangers
Lapinenzo is a rabbit so absorbed with where the river flows, he nearly accepts a water ride with a stranger swan who’s carrying chocolates. Eric advises on safety awareness, saying ‘no’ to favours from strangers and checking with whoever looks after you before going anywhere.
Why are they called Relax ‘n Learn Teaching Tales?
Because they’re written in carefully constructed relaxing language; a calm, relaxed mind is an absorbent learning mind. A relaxed child, observing the situations play out in Blockley Bank at a safe distance is more likely to understand, learn and model the skills offered to tackle the problems causing their unhappiness and stress.
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